Saturday 19 November 2016


Hello everyone
I hope you are well.
I've been very quiet on the touring front lately. I've still been writing and even worked on a film for 5 months.
I'm hoping 2017 will see me back on the road. There a a couple new singles out in digital format.
you can see them on my website
Here is one called Ferdinand's Dream

Another thing I've done is registered
The reason for this was mainly for radio and other media where they need to say my website name, is great and has a good ranking, but sometimes people would miss the hyphen " - " . sometimes they would put an underscore, PeterMillerMusic is easy to say and at the moment it just redirects to my main site

LR Baggs:

Just before I started on the film work I made some demo videos for LR Baggs the acoustic amplification company. You can see a couple of the videos below, Recorded with no microphones. only the installed pickups. It's a fantastic sound and I am very very happy with it! Thanks to the LR Baggs team for letting me record these promo vids. The guitar in these particular videos is a AYERS guitar which I'm very happy with. It has a slightly wider and lower profile neck which really suits my playing.
Sample 1
Sample 2
There are more on my youtube page Peter Miller Guitar

Your Help Please:
I need your help, next year ABC Australia are cutting nearly every single (if not all of them) music program form Radio National. This is one of the very few formats where I can receive airplay from a national broadcaster. One show in particular that I am sad about is THE DAILY PLANET with Lucky Oceans. I've started a petition and hope to get thousands of signatures from across the world. For artists like me it's important to have these shows, they have such dedicated listeners who don't want commercial radio or the music that goes with those stations. If I'm played, I often receive a personal email from someone looking for more of my music.

Here is the petition link
Help Save The Daily Planet

Please sign and share the petition in any way possible, We can only hope and try to get the word out. In the words of John Spillane, 'who else is gonna do it like'.
They'll send you updates but you can unsubscribe from these if you don't want to receive the update emails.

Hope you can help!!

A side project:

I was involved in a side project with my friends band Mother Nature's Orchestra (MNO). It was the baby of  Neil MacLeod, we recorded quite a few tracks in our friends lounge room on my mobile recorder. Most of the recordings are completely live, however sometimes we'd add an instrument or two later .

here are some demo recordings for you to listen to. not all are made live yet

The line up (usually)
Myself: Electric and acoustic guitars
Nicole Parker-Brown: Vocals
Matthew Brown: Drums, percussion and some guitar
Jeff Stratton: Keyboards and synths
Neil MacLeod: Flute, Bass Clarinet and many other things

Hope you enjoyed my little update. I also hope you can help with the petition. That would be cool.

Till next time!!